And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small
Sorry I freaked out a few days ago. Since Saturday you and my mustache raised $469.30 for underfunded schoolkids, and we helped to fully fund one of the class projects. Thanks to Don from Arizona, Mac from California, the Fox family from Arizona, Andrea from California, Kelly DiPucchio, Ms. Sarah Rocklin, and big thanks to Michelle from Ely, Minnesota.
Let's keep it going!
ooo! another "stache challenge! i'm in - i get the link, how to donate...so, i don't want you to freak out or anything. "))
wow...you know, in your freak out pix, you kinda/sorta look like you and ben folds are sharing some dna these days?
maybe it's the eli wallach shirt and hat?
Hey froggie,
I'll accept the Ben Folds comparison, though I'm more excited about the Eli Wallach one.
Good luck with the mustache and the fundraiser!
Very cool, Mr. Rex!
If anyone made donations of $5, or maybe handfuls of loose coins - possibly with notes attached reading "oh, so YOU'RE the bemustached one, fine, take it" or somesuch - I hereby claim full credit. My 20 minutes growing a tentacular 'stash on my blog for all 2 of my followers has no doubt inspired wild generosity.
Okay, you guilted me into donating for two reasons, one, I made fun of your glasses, and two, I may want to grow something for charity at some point and hope you'll remember me.
Harpy–Oh, It's you, Tempestpilot. Your mustache was sensational. Mind if link to it in my next mustache post?
Darrell–Yeah, that glasses comment was kind of mean. So now you're absolved.
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