Look at this thing. This unlikely-looking thing is a book, a mystery book titled The Clock Without a Face. And within this book lies the clues to uncover twelve bejeweled numbers which have been hidden across the United States of America. I'm not kidding about this.
The Clock Without a Face will be available this May. It features staggering environmental drawings by Scott Teplin, and those drawings are the stars of this book. But I'm happy to say that I provided portraits of its cast of characters, and I'm going to start sharing these today. Below is the billionaire–the emerald-studded numbers were stolen right off the face of his once-valuable clock.

That is incredible. How do we know when a number is found?
That's a good question. I'm not entirely sure. Maybe I can find that out by my next post.
We are super lucky to have Adam's portraits for this book!! Answer to Ethans question: The detective's assistant will post updated news items on his own blog. I think mcsweeneys.net/clock will point you in the right direction.
-s Teplin..
Your Billionaire reminds me a little of Mr Potter in 'It's a Wonderful Life'. Any relation?
The author's website has a FAQ that talks about how you'll know.
Wow Mr. Rex your work is amazing. I bought the book this weekend and was really blown away by it, especially your drawings. Nicely done!
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