Monday, March 25, 2013

Postcards to Kids

When kids mail me actual letters, I try my best to actually mail something back (emails get emails).

Here are a handful of postcards I sent back to readers during 2012.

This girl sent me a picture of her own fantasy land, which included animals called bublis.  So I drew my own.

This kid told me he got in trouble for reading in class.

This guy told me about his own story he was writing, titled "Bug World War: Spiders Vs. Ants."  Which rules.


Dow said...

It's so good of you to send these very personal postcards. My absolute favorite is the bear playing ping pong. How amusingly random. :)

Jennifer J. said...

Oh, Adam, these are so much fun. It tempts me to pretend to be a kid and see what you come up with...

Amy Phillips said...

My kids saw this and promptly prepared letters and comics for you. But I can't seem to find a mailing address! Help, and a package is on its way.

Adam Rex said...

Email me and I'll be happy to send it, Amy.

Anna said...

Honestly, I already loved your stuff before seeing this. I have one of your Magic cards on my wall and it's awesome. And reading your books, again, it's pretty clear that you are awesome. But this, writing letters like this back to kids?! I don't think awesome covers it. I think you need a shirt with the superman shield and a big Adam Rex 'A' on it. You sir are just cool. (also, great to see you post on the Muddy Colors Blog as well!)

Adam Rex said...

Thanks, Anna! You're nice.