Thursday, May 17, 2007

Plymouth Meeting Friends

I had a great school visit the other day at the Plymouth Meeting Friends School in Plymouth Meeting, PA. Are you a school? Do you know someone who is? If you're interested in having me come visit, draw, show slides, and share my SEVEN SURE-FIRE WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT NOW, I may be available to do everything but the weight-loss stuff. Drop me a line.
Here's a great welcome poster some of the students drew. Check out the portrait of me in the corner!


Amy Timberlake said...

You're looking kind of green . . .

CMR said...

I just read your book to son's kindergarten class. His teacher told me it was the logest they've ever sat still for a story. Zombie, Zombie slayed them.

Keep up the good work pal.

abby said...

you should definitely com to ringling college of art and design, we'd love to have you come speak! :)

Q109 said...

that jacob kid is crazy.

Ted Dawson said...

I am not commenting on this post or illustration in particular, but I'm afraid there exists no outlet for a general comment, so I am designating this as such:

You rock, Adam! You inspire me.

Adam Rex said...

Thank you, everyone. You make me want to run Rocky-style all the way to the art museum.

Anonymous said...

I'd take a picture of that and blog it, Adam! Run Adam, run!

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Wish I'd known you were in my neighborhood! There is a great independent children's bookstore nearby that might arrange a reading/signing if you are out this way again, if you wanted to kill a few birds (do some book events) with the same stone (plane ticket!)

Yeah, keep your eye on Jacob! I get the feeling he is working up to be an "I am your biggest fan!" kind of guy.

Adam Rex said...

No plane ticket equired, Nancy Bea. I just live in West Philadelphia. You're right, though. I should use my time better when taking short trips for appearances. I did sign a number of books for Children's Book World while at the Friends School–is that the store you were thinking of?

Brian–You go ahead and start running and I'll be right behind you.

Anonymous said...

You should come to Tucson more often =)
you're awesome and you inspire me!!