Wow. Even I've been finding my blog boring lately. No pictures. So here's one: It's the color rough (Rough. I can't emphasize that enough.) of the cover to my next book of monster stories, Frankenstein Takes the Cake. Which I'm still working on, and which will be out in the fall of next year.
this is a ROUGH? holey monkeys in undershirts, batman!! it looks fantastic already! can't wait to get it for my kids! ps - we have PSSST and smekday under the fraser fir this xmas! :D
That is good news (the sequel). I also quite enjoyed the article on you in the latest issue of Realms of Fantasy - and am glad that you haven't given up art entirely for the written word!
I promise not to go so long without posting an image. This has been such a nice response.
No, this isn't as rough as a color sketch of mine would usually be. Heck, I don't even usually make color sketches. But it had to be nice enough to print sort of small in the Harcourt advance catalog. I emphasized that it was rough for my Editor's sake–she asked that I make that clear in the post.
Yes, Diantres, it's digital over a traditional sketch. I'm enjoying my new Wacom tablet. The final will probably be oil paint over a print of this sketch.
Holy dam! Another Frankenstein book? You're one of the few doing something original for the children's book market. Your work is amazing! And I can't wait for this book (I already bought the first one for two different nephews and am looking for an excuse to buy it again!)
Wow! I can't wait. I read parts of the first one to a fifth grade class, and they freakin' loved it. I've never had a better reception. In fact, could you work a little faster, 'cause I think next year is too long to have to wait.
this is a ROUGH? holey monkeys in undershirts, batman!! it looks fantastic already! can't wait to get it for my kids! ps - we have PSSST and smekday under the fraser fir this xmas! :D
Hey Adam - I didn't know there was going to be a sequel, it looks incredible! I can't wait to see it.
GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! Another Frank book! Whooooopeeee! I haven't been this excited since...well...since Frank first made a sandwich!
Fantastic, thanks for posting this Adam, very cool.
Go easy on the term "rough" here Adam. You're making all our "roughs" look like "haggards"
Oh can it be true!!!! Frankenstein makes a sandwich was high octane awesomeness already a sequel will ROCK! I can't wait!!!
Yeah, looks a little rough. ;)
Can't wait to see the finished piece!
it's digital?
That is good news (the sequel). I also quite enjoyed the article on you in the latest issue of Realms of Fantasy - and am glad that you haven't given up art entirely for the written word!
I promise not to go so long without posting an image. This has been such a nice response.
No, this isn't as rough as a color sketch of mine would usually be. Heck, I don't even usually make color sketches. But it had to be nice enough to print sort of small in the Harcourt advance catalog. I emphasized that it was rough for my Editor's sake–she asked that I make that clear in the post.
Yes, Diantres, it's digital over a traditional sketch. I'm enjoying my new Wacom tablet. The final will probably be oil paint over a print of this sketch.
Thanks, everyone!
Holy dam! Another Frankenstein book? You're one of the few doing something original for the children's book market. Your work is amazing! And I can't wait for this book (I already bought the first one for two different nephews and am looking for an excuse to buy it again!)
Great work Adam! I love the look on his face! Priceless :)
Wow! I can't wait. I read parts of the first one to a fifth grade class, and they freakin' loved it. I've never had a better reception. In fact, could you work a little faster, 'cause I think next year is too long to have to wait.
I can't wait!
(My mom is ordering copies of SANDWICH for Christmas presents.)
I rarely get as excited as I just got when I saw that. Rough or right, just get it out there.
PLEASE LET THERE BE CUPCAKES! And if there is, I will totally get it tattooed. <3 baby frank still looks great on my arm. <3
PLEASE LET THERE BE CUPCAKES! And if there is, I will totally get it tattooed. <3 baby frank still looks great on my arm. <3
Can't wait Mr. Sir...loved sandiwich, cakes going to be another hit..
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