A while ago, while preparing material to put on the
National Time Capsule Project site (aka
The True Meaning of Smekday website), I sketched out this fake
Doonesbury strip. The idea was that this was an installment of
Doonesbury that actually appeared in newspapers at the time of the alien invasion that takes place in my book. I wrote to Gary Trudeau, asking for permission, never got a response, so I never inked this thing or posted it on the site. I forgot about it for a while. Then I remembered it after re-watching
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas recently.

So if Trudeau's people want to send me a cease-and-desist letter, now's the time. If I don't hear anything, maybe I'll ink it and put it on the Smekday site in time for the book's paperback release in May.
I love it.
For what its worth, The True Meaning of Smekday was my favorite book of last year and I tell every person I know to read it. I love all your picture books too, but Smek just makes me happy. My husband and I always wish each other a jolly Boovish Passover now, too!
Thanks, guys. Sarah, that's a mighty nice Etsy shop you have.
And everyone should check out David's new photography blog.
Hmm, that's not letting me link to Sarah's blog. It says I have no id number in the link, even though I do:
...this made my day!
I am delighted. I'd like to see more Smekday crossovers. The Wonderful Wizard of Smek!
I read Smekday last month after I pulled it off the Penn Library's return shelf while waiting for the elevator.
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