At top left is me with one of their classes, who suggested I draw this Frankenstein-chicken-giraffe creature. Then we have some great sandwich sculptures. Next is the Shaffex, an Adam Rex-giraffe-fish creature drawn by Chloe! Then there's a sign with some Boov at the bottom, and a portrait of the class or classes that made the sandwiches. Lastly, a bunch of sculptures of Boov and Boov accessories. Thanks for a great visit, FCS!

Ah, what a great feeling that must be for you!
I hope I can inspire in the same way one day.
Those kids are pretty talented! I like their little sculptures :) That's really cool that you are taking the time to visit schools and hang out with kids.
Relly nice work here.
I sure enjoyed my visit.
Cheers to your skill,
I am very happy of how talented these kids are! I am a Friends Central School mother myself! My Daughter Chloe Hawkins drew the shaffex picture! The kids are pretty talented!
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