Here's my sketch for a tense scene in which Steve Brixton is hiding in his local library from a unit of special ops-types bent on his capture:

I actually took this sketch, blurred it, posterized it into a flat gray, and used that graytone in the final:

Finally, apropos of nothing, here's a cartoon I drew in high school. My old friend Grant just rediscovered this and emailed it to me. It may be obvious that I was working through sort of a Monty Python stage in my life at this point.

Congrats on the shorts. Tell Mac I said, "hey!"
Congrats! My son and I just started reading The Case of the Case!
I just bought The Case for our library a few weeks ago and took it home to read before putting it on the shelf...I laughed hysterically all the way through! I absolutely loved the way you incorporated the familiar you-know-who images into your art. Hilarious!
Thanks for the posterizing hint. Congrats on the Edgar, too. Hope you guys get it!
Awesome! Congratulations!
The Mexican Anthem does have a sentence that talks about how the Earth will tremble at it's core with the sound of the cannons... "Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra al sonoro rugir del cañón"... I wonder if the girl behind Grant exploded right after reciting that part.
Congrats! Also, I used to work at a library and I always thought the shelves would be a cool hiding spot, so this guy's onto something. :]
I heard the news! Well done and congrats!
Awesome! Edgar has good taste.
And--I have to just add that Smekday is one of my 9-year-old son's all-time favorite books. It was all the rest of us could do to pry it from his sleeping fingers and have a shot at reading it.
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