Some time ago a was sent an advance reader's copy of a forthcoming book called Sophomore Undercover, the debut novel by Ben Esch. Hyperion books asked me for a blurb if I liked it. I liked it very much, and said it was "Like getting kicked in the nuts by Mark Twain." Hyperion asked me for a new blurb. I don't remember what they decided to go with, but something nice I said about this book will appear on the back cover.
I'll probably post about this book again a little closer to the publication date next month, but I mention it now because Ben Esch has created a video game for his book, and we want you to play it.
Dixie Nguyen's Nerd Quest
I like the original blurb
'Getting kicked in the nuts'... that was one of Twain's lesser known works, right?
Thanks so much for blogging about this. A couple people have already beaten the game too, which I still can't comprehend. I thought this thing was supposed to be impossible.
Anyway, thanks again. You are awesome, and it's a real honor to get some of your readers to stop by my blog.
Ben Esch
The blurb they ended up using is good too. I read it on my v-log about the book. Which means I've just increased your exposure by about six people.
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