I don't have an iPad, but I am typing this on a four-year-old MacBook–which I realize is so old in computer terms it's practically steampunk. But if I command my old-timey inter-net browsing soft-ware routine to visit the correct address, I can watch this national commercial for iPads, which features a shot of one of my books at the ten-second mark:
There it is, a
Fat Vampire second from the upper left on the virtual bookshelf:
Congrats! You're a star!
Very cool.
I looked at the manufacture date on my laptop the other day. August 2002. Wow. It stills works, but like a musket in a world of laser guns...
Hmmm... Shouldn't you get a commission or something for that? Maybe you can get a free iPad out of it? :)
Very cool! A little extra publicity for your book to those with a sharp eye (or a pause button). Do they notify you or your agent that your book will be in the commercial? I just played the commercial, btw, and my 11 yr old son who is ten feet away exclaimed, "It's the Ipad song!"
That's so awesome!
Congratulations! That's a pretty big deal to make the commercial.
I just saw that last night! How cool is that! Congrats!!
I was just in the Manhattan Beach Apple store tonight, replacing my defective ipod4g, and they had the iPad images from that commercial on the wall in the form of a HUGE poster/banner . Your book is now on the Apple store walls. The image of your book was bigger than my head too, and I have a big head dude....
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