I'm proud to say those kids have posted pictures inspired by at least one of my books in the past. I've already blogged about it before. But I thought it would be overly self-indulgent of me to create fan art of their fan art of one of my books. Because what if one of them decided then to create fan art of the fan art of the fan art, and then the universe collapsed into an infinitely dense referential singularity. So I chose this one instead, by Gracie:

Click here to see more.
Well, I loved Pssst! and also Isaac's fan art of the hippo in the bat cave, so I created fan art of his fan art of your art.
I'm sure those kids were super excited to see that you created a piece for their celebration.
you are a really cool guy.
Will you hate me if I think this is my favorite Adam Rex painting? Love this!!
Kristi–I loved your hippobat. Did you know it was Pssst!-related when you selected it?
Thanks, Diantres!
ami–its probably Aaron Zenz who's the cool guy. I hope when I have kids I'm even half as engaged.
Yeah, that's okay, Eric. I know what you mean.
Nice robots!
Thanks so much for the awesome picture Adam! The kids loved it. As soon as I broke news about the surprise post to the kids, they started jumping up and down shouting "Did Adam Rex do one?! Did Adam Rex do one?"
We're big fans. You come up in conversation often. Thanks for making the post such a special treat!
All our best,
- AZ
Wow, that's really nice to hear, Aaron. I hope you all keep up the blog. I want to see things Elijah draws in high school.
Adam, Adam, Adam...why must you set the bar soooo high. ::sigh:: Ah well it gives us all something to aspire to! ;)
Seriously, love your work. I'm a big fan. Can't wait to check out your latest and get inspired all over again! Can't wait to see more!
Haha! I love these. The ones in Spectrum were always some of my favorites.
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